What Coffee are you Buying?

Organic Coffee Basics

Why does it really matter anyways?

  • It has something to do with the most precious things in the universe (people and the rest of creation)
  • Organic coffee refers to coffee that is grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). It is produced using environmentally sustainable practices that prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and the well-being of farmers and workers.
  • To procure organic coffee, consider the following options:
    • Direct trade: Look for coffee roasters or importers who work directly with organic coffee farmers. They establish fair and transparent relationships, ensuring the highest quality beans while supporting sustainable farming practices.
    • Certification labels: Look for certifications such as USDA Organic, Fair Trade, or Rainforest Alliance on coffee packaging. These labels guarantee that the coffee meets specific organic and ethical standards.
    • Local organic markets: Explore local organic markets or specialty coffee shops that source and sell organic coffee. They often have a selection of single-origin or small-batch coffees with unique flavors.
  • Consider the benefits of choosing organic coffee:
    • Health and taste: Organic coffee is free from chemical residues, resulting in a potentially healthier and more flavorful cup of coffee.
    • Environmental sustainability: By opting for organic coffee, you support farming practices that minimize harm to ecosystems, conserve biodiversity, and promote sustainable agriculture.
    • Social responsibility: Organic coffee often goes hand in hand with fair trade practices, ensuring that farmers receive fair compensation for their labor and promoting better working conditions within the coffee industry.